Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Simple Steps to Success in Network Marketing
Being Successful in Network Marketing is simple but yet it seems to be illusive to many people. There are two simple things that are needed to be a Success in Network Marketing. The First is Leads. Targeted Leads that are generated continually and automatically. The Second is Cash Flow. Cash Flow that is positive and growing which in turn will fuel your marketing efforts to continue getting leads which in turn should grow your cash flow.
Sounds Simple and it is. Many of today's online network business opportunities provide you with simple to use tools to help you in your quest to be successful. In order to get leads you need a way to collect names and email addresses at least to build a mailing list to email your prospects. You can collect those names by way of a Splash Page or Squeeze Page which gives enough information about your product or service the it entices your prospect to fill out the information such as Name and Email Address for additional information.
These lead collecting pages should then "automatically" place these leads into an autoresponder which in turn begins automatically following up sending a series of emails. You can send a few emails spread over few days and even over a longer period of time. You can also then "inform" these customers about new products or services you have available.
Informing your list of new services and products will begin to build your cash flow. You can begin to use some of your cash flow to post your Lead Generating Forms in more places with paid advertising and increase the list of Prospects you have which in turn will eventually increase your cash flow. Successful Network Marketers budget their Cash Flow so that a percentage is turned back into the business to help it grow even more.
These two things are indeed simple but here is the downfall of most would be Network Marketers. Lack of Focus! There must be a focused concentrated effort to market your opportunity. With Concentrated Effort of marketing your Squeeze Pages you can eventually build a list that will grow and grow. You will probably have to begin by looking for free or low cost forms of advertising going to Paid forms as your cash flow grows.
With your focus and continual efforts you will see your success increase and will be amazed at how simple it is to be Successful in Network Marketing. Continual Focused Effort is the fuel that will lead to your Success!
To learn More about being Successful in Network Marketing here are some sites that have worked well for many who are looking for success.
MyPiP Classic: Free-To-Join, Global, Advanced Marketers
MyPiP Express: Free-To-Join, Global, "Newbies"
MyPiP Challenge: Free-To-Join, US, Canada, UK, "Newbies"
Friday, August 10, 2012
Get Free Leads On Autopilot with Traffic Swarm
One of the needs of any online marketer regardless of what business you are in is Leads! How do we generate enough leads to be able to get the kind of cash flow we want and need in our business. Most of us start with a limited budget and the more free tools we can use to start the better until we build enough cash flow to upgrade in some of the tools we use and can use the enhanced feature that come with an upgrade.
Today I want to look at one of the lead generating tools we use in the My Partner In Profit System 90 Day Internet Challenge is Traffic Swarm. Traffic Swarm is a Traffic Exchange that has been around since 2002 and has over 1.2 million members. Traffic Swarm offers a Free signup that provides a built-in traffic and advertising source for Your 90 Day Internet Challenge website.
Once you're inside your Traffic Swarm account, you can also setup an advertisement to promote your MyPIP website link. You get 100 free advertising credits when you signed up for Traffic Swarm so let's put them to good use!
Here's how:
- Scroll down to the "Manage Your Site Promotions" section.
- Cick "Add a New Site Address".
- Step One: Enter the following: (with your personal ID at the end)
- Step Two: Enter the following:
New ZERO COST Opportunity
- Step Three: Enter the following:
Allows YOU To Make Up To $170.00 Cash Every Time Someone Takes My 'Internet Income Challenge' For FREE!
- Step Four: Put a check mark next to four of the boxes.
- Step Five: Leave this area blank.
Then click the "Update" button at the bottom of the page. When you've completed the five steps above, the free ad will go online!
NOTE: The free version allows you to only set-up 10 ads. So make sure you do this right away. Be creative and make sure each ad is a little different!
There is more details on this Free Traffic Generator inside the My Partner In Profit Challenge website training. Ask your Sponsor or you can contact me for more details.
You can Join Traffic Swarm either here or by going to the My PIP Challenge System.
The My Partner in Profit system is a System that helps you learn to be a better online marketer. With your new skills you can build your own business using the skills and tools that are part of this fantastic system. The My Partner in Profit Challenge is a good site for the beginner to the experienced marketer in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. The My Partner in Profit Express is available world wide and the My Partner in Profit Classic is designed for the more Experienced Marketer and those who wish to increase their marketing skills and is available world wide. Join one or all of these websites today for Free!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Are You Able to Take a Challenge?
If you ask most people if they want to earn more money you will get almost a 100% answer of Yes! Some will look at you like you must have lost your mind because most everybody wants to Earn More Money! My question to you is simple. Are you willing and Able to stay focused for 90 Days following simple everyday steps to see your income grow and grow? If you can stay focused for 90 days you can be earning several hundreds
of dollars each month and continue to grow that amount each and every month.
Are You Ready? Are You? If you are then here is what you need to do.
Step 1 go to fill in the form with your name and email address
Step 2 watch the videos and read the information. Do this several times
Step 3 Start the Challenge by following the steps laid out on the website
Step 4 send me an email at Subject: Challenge
I will then contact you with links to our free training and mentoring
If you are ready to take the Challenge Start Today!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Earn Extra Money At Home Fast!
I have some really cool news for you today. I've found a way for you to easily make $140 on a $6.95 sale. It's NOT a TYPO!
This commission model has a 15-year track record, and the company in question has a 9-year track record, so this isn't some new, untested gimmick.
Use This Simple Process To Fund Your Ad Budget For ANY 'Primary' Business.
You'll see, you can use it to build anything.
Watch how this works :)
1. Order a NetSpend Card here: (Free, with no monthly fees...actually, it's better than free; you'll end up with $17-$20 in clear profit if you follow my instructions).
2. Protect your precious photos, music, documents and other hard drive contents with this service: (Cost: $6.95...which means there's actually no net cost, since your profit from Step 1 clearly exceeds that amount). Ever had a hard drive crash and lost irreplaceable data? It doesn't feel good, nor it is helpful to the smooth operation of your business.
Important--Forward me your payment receipt when you've completed this step. I'll send you back special instructions on how to set up an affiliate account where you can actually make $150 per sale (on a $6.95 product....not a typo). The backup company pays $120 per sale but we have a special arrangement just for our team where they pay us $150!
Pay attention here.
3. Refer just ONE person to complete steps 1 and 2. You will receive an additional $20 when they complete step 1 (which costs them nothing, remember) and $120 when they complete step 2 (which also ultimately costs them nothing in light of the profit they experience in step 1).
So, then...
With FREE MONEY...your new recruit has protected themselves from costly data loss and profited $10.10 net (and guess who will be their hero next time they have a hard drive crash on them? ;) You as the referrer have profited $140 (if you include your profit from steps 1 and 2).
Why are you still reading this?
Complete Step 1 here: [USA only]
Complete Step 2 here: [USA, Canada, UK, Australia, NZ and Ireland]
Don't forget to forward me your payment receipt from Step 2 so I can send you instructions for setting up a really cool affiliate marketing system properly, thus equipping you to carry out step 3. Do not deviate or attempt to outsmart the'll cost yourself a bundle, trust me).
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Killer Income opportunity!
I just came across what I think is a Killer Income opportunity. Earn some great legitimate income earning up to $150 for every $6 sale! Now you can earn extra cash to help pay for your online advertising and marketing efforts with this program.
You can make it one two punch with the 90 day internet challenge which gives you the ability to earn $40 to $150 over and over again by processing Trial Offers for Fortune 500 Companies for Free!
This complete income offer will help you to increase income and cash flow allowing you to further your marketing efforts. The first step to this Killer Income Offer is to Join the 90 Day Internet Challenge complete with marketing methods and training to help you get a continual flow of leads for you.
Then join the Killer Income Offer to earn $150 for making $6 sales over and over. The video will explain everything in detail and get you started.
Hesitation could cost you money it is possible to earn $150 to $900 in a few days! You could be loosing out on a tremendous earning opportunity so Join the 90 day Internet Challenge and then the Killer Income Offer. DO IT TODAY!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Creating Daily Cash Flow
Creating daily cash flow can be a mysterious process but it is also a simple process. This summer athletes from all over the world will gather in London for the 2012 Summer Olympics. To the casual observer it may seem these athletes are lucky; but if you had the chance to ask them they would say it is a result of years of hard work. Many start training at a very young age doing simple tasks over and over until the become proficient in that task or skill then they begin to increase their skill level and proficiency.
Creating a Daily Cash flow is the same thing you start by working on cash producing tasks repeating the task daily until you become skilled and then advance your skills as you knowledge increases. Many people want to earn more money. Many look to the Internet after seeing infomercials on How if you just buy this program or go to this website and in a month you will make enough money to retire from you regular job. There might be a few who can do that but most of us have to learn new skills at marketing and teaching others how.
My Partners and I have developed a program to help you learn how to create for yourself a growing income while increasing your own skills thus making yourself "More Valuable to the Marketplace" as Jim Rohn said many times. We have put together the 90 Day Internet Challenge which shows you how to work with Fortune 500 Companies processing trial offers for them and getting paid $40 and $170. With our system we give you access to free tools and training to develop your own skills to create an increasing Daily Cash Flow that will continue to grow and become almost automatic!
Go to and find out for yourself!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Make Cash Easily at Home
You can make cash at home easily if you have the right tools and system. To help you some of my partners and I have developed a system that allows you to make daily cash by helping Fortune 500 Companies process free trial offers. In today's competitive business world and struggling economies world wide Fortune 500 companies are continually looking to add new customers to their products and services.
With millions of new internet users there is no shortage of prospects to offer free and minimal cost trial offers. You have an opportunity to help yourself and add additional cash flow into your own economy. Many of our partners are making several hundred dollars of extra income using our system. You can start right away and begin earning in a few hours by following the simple instructions and steps to begin.
If you live in the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom you can start right away. Get started today and in the next few days and weeks watch as you Cash Flow begins to grow and grow! Besides all the training and videos available at the systems website. There are daily webinars and live online help available to help you maximize your earnings. Do this today by Clicking here!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Looking at Cash Flow Solutions
Looking at Cash Flow Solutions
One key to a successful business is Cash Flow. Finding solutions to Cash Flow is as easy as looking at your own daily activities and whether or not they produce the kind of cash flow that you want to obtain. Your daily activities should be consistent and productive in creating leads. Leads will create a list of potential customers, which in turn would become customers, which produces sales which produces cash flow.
What activities are you doing to produce leads? Are those activities consistent? Are you tracking which activities are producing the leads? The savvy business person will watch their lead producing activity to be able to make changes if needed when the results are not as they would like. When looking at cash flow solutions you need to make sure the activities you are doing not only produce leads but targeted leads. You can post ads, blog, write articles, traffic exchanges, safe list postings and on and on, but if they do not produce targeted leads then you need to change your approach or activity.
I heard a comparison one time that producing leads could be compared with a long water pipe. If you only put a little water in one end it will take a long time until you get a good flow of water at the other end. The key here is to be consistent in filling up your pipe so that you can receive a good consistent amount of cash flow. Your lead producing activity no matter how good it is in producing leads will not give you a steady amount of cash flow unless that activity is done on a regular basis.
When you begin looking at your cash flow solutions you have to be honest with yourself and specific in how much and what amount of cash you want. This will help in looking at your activities and whether you are satisfied with the results and if not what can you do to change them. Cash solutions are a simple formula of knowing what you want and what you need to do to get the results you want. Then doing it regularly and you will see results.
If you are looking to create an automatic flow of cash into your business you need to start doing activities what while they may not produce large amounts of results at first will continually produce results automatically for a long time. Blogs, Pay Per Click Advertising, and Article writing are some examples that once you do the activity the potential to produce for a very long time. These are examples of priming the pump to getting some long term results if you are consistent in doing these activities. Once you see the results you want you may be able to slow down a little in the regularity of your activity and see the results continue with some routine care.
Many blame the business, the economy, the weather and many other things for failure to produce cash f for their businesses. I am sure in some cases that might affect the results but most of the time cash flow solutions are the result of failure to do the activities necessary to produce results on a regular schedule.
Create your own Cash Flow Solution by targeting your efforts and maximizing your results. My Partners and I have developed a proven system to help you learn and focus your efforts with to create your own automatic cash flow system.
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